Long River Tai Chi Rockland County Branch

Why T'aiChi?

Intentions, Cultivations, Directions, Benefits

It is said that folks come to study and practice TaiChi for one/some/all of three main reasons: health, martial, spiritual [14] . Below are some specifics in those areas.

As a spiritual/philosophical discipline, T'aiChi trains us to become sensitive to energy, so that we may be aware of balance and thus any imbalances which may cause instability, tension, conflict, ill health, suffering. From there we are trained to respond to what we notice, and to do so with more skill, gradually, gradually over time. This drops us further into balance, the center of time, as we respond with correct timing to the energetic needs of the moment, peacefully resting in our center, as things change harmoniously around us, recognizing our connections to all that is, alive with ch'i.

Testimonials Literature / References

Last updated 2024-02-04